Saturday, December 22, 2007

Grandma and Nate Dancing

When you are two years old it sure is fun to have an extra silly grandma!


Mary said...


When the boys were little, I used to be a very silly Grandma too. The kids love it and they will always remember that Grandma was so much fun.

Thanks so much for commenting on my Bringing Home the Tree post. I always enjoy your comments.

Merry Christmas to you and yours.

Lady Di Tn said...

Good morning from a cold Tn. It was 23 degrees on the hill this morning when I awoke but we do not have any of the beautiful snow that you have kindly shared with us.
I never had a silly Grandma and it is so nice to see that the boys have one.
I was afraid of my Father's mother as she loved my sister and sis would tell or make up any thing to get her to get after me. I was small like Nate but I remember hiding from her under Mother's apron. Mother's Mom was serious and had a cleaning disorder and now they would treat it for conpulsive cleaning but at that time I thought all Grandmas were serious and SUPER CLEAN. A crumb or dust was no match for her.

So I am so glad the boys will have fond memories of a silly Grandma.

peace and Merry Christmas

Marcel said...

Mary and Lady Di,
As always thanks for your kind words. I agree that it will be good for the boys to have found memories of their Grandmother. I can not imagine a better grandmother than Connie. She loves the boys with all her heart and loves having fun with them. She sometimes acts more like a kid than they do, and of course they love it. Happy holidays to you both!

SweetAnnee said...

Yep..I am a silly grammy too.I know my six grandsons love it!!