Sunday, April 13, 2008

Grandma is the Best!

Grandma taught Blake how to use the sewing machining and he caught on very quickly. They made the two hand puppets you see in the photo and Blake did all the sewing except the hemming. After the puppets were made the boys took the puppets down for a piano lesson with grandma. Blake named his puppet Smiley after Greatgrandma siad the puppet was smiling and Nate named his Mr. Green becasue of the green cloth.


Mary said...


Connie is a wonderful grandmother and the boys will grow up with many wonderful memories. Hand puppets are fun when they are this age and so are piano lessons. Thanks for sharing the photos of these adorable grandsons.


Lady Di Tn said...

This is too cute. Connie sure is one of the youngest Grandmas I have ever seen.
Making Memories is what it is all about.

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